Okay, so Lupita from Solmar is insanely hard to get ahold of. I have written her IN ENGLISH and she seems to not respond.... and every so often she will respond to Rene's emails in SPANISH. We are pretty positive that things are fine as she sent us an email that things are set, BUT we still have yet to sign a contract and that just makes me feel a little uneasy. I know a lot of you want to book your flights (so do we) and I will let you all know ASAP!
Rene and I have also made another decision.... we are not going to have a reception in Prescott. We figured that whether we asked some of our guests to come to Cabo OR Prescott, they would have to buy a plane ticket and stay in a hotel for both situations. So CABO IT IS!!! It also makes it easier on us as we do not have to plan TWO parties.
So to pass the time, here are some picture of where we want to get married....