Okay, so we have changed the date just slightly.... our wedding will now be on Friday October 17th. In the past I have never been a big fan of Friday weddings because they are just plain hard to get to, but in our case it seems to work out better:
1) The resort holds a Fiesta every Saturday night for the guests and first we didn't want to compete with that (it is usually really loud)
2) We really wanted to have the dinner/dancing part in the outside restaurant along the cliffs and we could not reserve it because of the Fiesta being held there. So by having it on Friday we can use the most beautiful parts of the resort.
I know it is hard for people to take the time off but we really want the guests who come to try to make a vacation out of it and stay for a few days. Rene and I will be there the whole week prior, and most guests will come in Wed or Thur and stay through Sunday or Monday. Rene and I will also not leave for our honeymoon until Sunday so we all can attend the Solmar fiesta together and still spend time with the people we love the MOST! Mark your calenders and look for the Save The Date soon!
is it locked down?! we're so excited to get tickets!!! we hope everything is going smoothly...
any more updates?
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