Ok, I understand that is a bold statement. But I am royal tired of dealing with these guys.
And I do say GUYS...I mean have you ever come across a woman standing out there like a vulture? NO, 99.9% of the time it is a dude waiting for anyone to approach and they can snatch them up like a snake. I am sick of these dudes trying to rape us of our money and confuse the hell out of us.
We are in the process of buying a car and have had to shop around for the best deal for the best car. So in the past 4 days we have visited 5 dealerships and I wish I could say I would never go in another one again BUT I still haven't gotten a car!
This past weekend we were THIS close to signing the dotted line but all of a sudden I got a bad feeling about the deal (and thanks to dad) so we pulled out and left. AND THANK GOD WE DID! The salesman was screwing us and taking us for a ride! Not only did he not give me my fleet discount but couldn't even add correctly! Another dealer offered us a "great" deal on a used car to later find out that GREAT price was $2,000 more than the internet price! Though being sort of a saleswoman myself I do have to give them props - they are good at what they do - BUT do they really have to F***k us from here to New Zealand??? (obviously I am a little ticked off, those who know me know I don't talk like this)
These guys take you on a drive share stories with you... one guy even had a dog with the same name as ours, Whiskey, which was a little weird. You start thinking they are pretty cool and you like them as a person so you wouldn't mind buying a car from this "nice" guy... but then WHAM they take you for everything you got. SO DISHONEST!!!
So we did our research and have learned a lot over the last few days. Biggest advice is DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! We have stumbled upon some awesome and VERY helpful websites on how to beat them at their own game and how to not get saddled with a crummy deal. Please read them as every person looking to buy a car or ever planning on buying a car needs to read:
Plus once you start looking there is lots there to learn! So we will head out next weekend with a new outlook and I have a good feeling we will come out with a defeat! WISH US LUCK!
I LOVE when I see a new post from you! Welcome back (again)!
I can only imagine the hassle of buying a car... you know, if you and Renene moved to NYC, you wouldn't need a car!
But since I don't see that happening, I'll wish you luck on your buying adventure.
Hope to see you out this way soon!
Wow Gina... such language :) Just kidding, I can understand where you come from. We have been looking into a new mattress... All the salesmen try to get to us about talking how beautufl our kids are, yada yada yada. I hate it. I can understand your frustration!
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